SQL Server Studio Pro connects with your Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and above. This includes Azure SQL with the option to encrypt the connection.It may be possible to connect to SQL Server version prior to 2008, but some features may not work properly. If you need support for these versions, please contact us.SQL Server Studio Pro is the first SQL Server manager application to give you a true mobile feel. While other apps on the market give you the standard desktop feel (typing more than necessary), SQL Server Studio Pro makes queries and admin tasks as simple as a tap with minimal typing required (the way Android apps are intended to be used).SQL Server Studio Pro doesnt record any analytics, nor does it include any ads. No personal information is collected or stored on any server, to include 3rd parties.Of course SQL Server Studio Pro still gives you the option to type in your queries for maximum control.Tested on a Samsung Note 4. Please feel free to contact us for any features or bugs that may arise due to different use cases and also stay tuned for new features that are in the pipelineInternet permission is required to access the databases and storage is required to store the accounts and settings